Categories: Catering, Food & Bev Zone, Garden Centre Expo,
Ento U.P Ltd
Empower Your Flowers! Organic, powerful, sustainable fertiliser and bio-stimulant.
EntoGrow’s organically reared mealworms produce a wonderfully nutritient packed by-product, frass. In the science world frass used as a plant fertiliser is known as ‘Entocompost’.
Our EntoGrow™ is a fine sand-textured substance. As our production of mealworms expand, so does our volume of our organic frass. We are excited to explore and build upon partnerships that will be open to the many versatile applications of our frass, for the individual purchaser of our 1 litre tubs and upwards.
Mike and Emma Bolton built the business upon ethical foundations. We are transparent in all of our supply chains, which are UK based. We use recycled and recyclable packaging and are always working with retailers to improve our already outstanding branding. Based in Worcestershire, we have been awarded the ‘Made in Britain’ logo and are certified Organic with Organic Farmers & Growers’. We have our frass analysed and it has come back with even better than hoped for results. We use frass on our own allotment and see the vast benefits, compared to crops without it.
Where do we start on the benefits of EntoGrow™? There are so many, and it seems that ‘mealworm fertiliser’ will be well known in UK households in the coming year. As our climate changes and growers adjust their gardening choices accordingly, the benefits of frass in helping plants to deal with the stress of increased drought and immigrations of new pests, will be widely acknowledged.
EntoGrow also distribute The Bug Factory mealworm growing pods, for householders to produce their own live feed for garden birds, pet reptiles, fish and poultry! Brilliantly designed to be user friendly in the house, this is a very popular product globally and taking off in the UK.