Neal Goddard
Sales Director, Solarwatt Technologies Ltd.
Day 2, Panel Theatre 1, 14:30
How High-Consumption Garden Centres Can Achieve Sustainable Energy Reduction
About Neal:
Neal started his career in semiconductor technology sales with tenures at both Siemens and Sanyo before moving into solar and renewables. Neal spent six years at Carbomat setting up the UK subsidiary followed by CCL both renowned leading distributors. Joining leading German PV manufacturers, SOLARWATT in 2018 Neal was instrumental in helping to establish the UK & Ireland subsidiary. Neal has a wealth of experience in solar technologies and has successfully grown Solarwatt’s installer partner network, who are fundamental in providing quality solar systems and services across both domestic and complex commercial applications. Neal is looking forward to sharing his experience of recent Garden Centre installations helping our partners and their customers make energy savings and reach wider sustainability goals.